Frequently Asked Questions

Property owners have an opportunity to appeal their property tax assessment every year. This is called an Annual Appeal. Quite often this is done because the home owner missed the opportunity to apply for an Interim Appeal. You are basically asking the County to re-evaluate your property. In the case of an Annual Appeal, the Board’s decision does not take effect until tax bills are issued the following tax year.

An Interim Appeal is when a change is made to the property, and for most people this is when there is new construction. One of the big differences between an Interim and Annual Appeal is that an Interim Appeal is retroactive to the date of purchasing a new home, if it is new construction and is the first time a home has been assessed. This sometimes requires the local governments to issue refunds for overpaid taxes.

Mid-Atlantic charges a fee based on a percentage of the projected first year savings. By charging a percentage of the property tax savings you can be assured that we will do everything we can to get you the best results. Contact Mid-Atlantic Property Management Solutions at (610) 738-8200 and let us help you lower your property taxes.

There are two different opportunities to appeal your assessment, which are interim and annual appeals. For Interim Appeals, within 40 days of receiving a Tax Assessment Change Notice and Annual appeals may be filed from May 1 through August 1.

Interim: Any change in the assessment due to an interim appeal is effective commencing with the interim effective date. For new construction, the tax relief is typically retroactive to the date of purchasing your new home. For Annual appeals, the Board’s decision does not take effect until tax bills are issued the following tax year.

This is up to your lender. You will receive documentation from the County that there has been a change in your assessment. This could lead to a lower monthly payment.

Yes! Yes! Yes! The property assessment appeals process and tax bills you receive are not issued from the same place. It sometimes takes a little time for the lower assessment to be entered into the tax authorities systems. Always pay your taxes on time regardless of where you are in the appeals process.

Typically it takes about 4 weeks to hear back about your property tax appeal.

Lowering property taxes typically takes about 8-10 weeks depending on the time of year.